Sunday 5 January 2014

Anahata -- Heart Chakra

Anahata -- Unstruck Resonance

In the Tantric tradition of Yoga, we observe an energy system in the subtle body (i.e. non-physical) known as the chakras.   There are seven major chakras located at different areas of the spine.    These rotating energy centres can become weak or excessively dominant in our bodies.  When our chakras are balanced, our mind, body and spirit are healthy and balanced as well.

The 4th chakra is known as the Heart chakra, Anahata in Sanskrit, which translates literally to "unstruck resonance".  I love the sound of that --- "unstruck resonance".   A pure, continuous vibration. Located on the spine opposite the centre of the sternum, a healthy heart chakra enables us to unconditionally love and forgive ourselves and others, and see the beauty in everything.

The heart chakra unites the lower, more physical chakras with our higher, more spiritual ones.  In other words,  it unites our mind, body and spirit.

There are many ways to bring your chakras into balance.  Pranayama, yoga and meditation, of course.   For the heart chakra, in particular,  surrounding yourself with green, giving and receiving acts of kindness are very helpful.

The heart chakra can come out of balance through challenging circumstances in life.  When we experience a cut or a fall for example, we may bleed or break a bone, and this needs time to heal.  A heart that has experienced a painful loss or trauma also needs time to heal.   Practise loving kindness to yourself and others to help this process.

I close with a wonderful description of love from my favourite bear:

love winnie the pooh picture quote

Pure, love and light :),   Kathryn

Friday 3 January 2014

Are you there, God? World? Universe? Universal Spirit? Higher Power of any faith? Angels and Archangels? It's me, Kathryn

"Are you there, God? Universe? Universal Spirit? Higher Power of any faith? Angels and Archangels?      It's me, Kathryn"

Seriously, when you are feeling alone and in need of inspiration, motivation, a kind word or just someone to listen, we are grateful for any help in our time of need. 

The mail person ringing your doorbell with a smile can turn your day around.  By the way, you (mail person) made my day when you rang the doorbell during a snowstorm the week before Christmas.  Normally on foot, on this day you were driving a Canada Post truck, and delivered a box of goodies to the delight of myself and my daughter.  It was so --- unexpected.  A gift in itself.  It even arrived a day early.

This blog is written my me.  All of me.  Kathryn the Yoga Teacher.   Mother.  Daughter.  Paper-crafter.  Business owner.

Why is this blog called Pure -- Free -- Radiant?  Well,  my desire is to be healthy in mind, body and spirit. Pure --- a healthy body and compassionate mind.  Free --- freedom from negativity, excess stress and emotional pain.  Radiant -- allowing inner beauty to shine outward, and improve the lives of others.

Hope someone out there is listening :).

Be well, Kathryn